miércoles, 12 de septiembre de 2012

Level of ICt integration:

Sánchez, 2001: Apresto, uso, integración.

Sandholtz et al, 1997. Entrance, adoption, adaptation, appropiation, invention.

Principios de la reforma: "Tres E"

Eficacia: objetivos y contenidos.
Eficiencia: acción pedagógica.
Efectividad: repercusión acciones.


Search for the following words:

CBT: Computer based training. A term used mainly in the business world. Implies a top-down, trainer-centred approach to teaching with computers and is closely associated with Programmed Learning.
IBT: Internet based training.
WBT: Web-based trainer. It is a generic term for training and/or instruction delivered over the Internet or an intranet using a Web browser. 
CMS: Computer Mediated Communication. It is used as a term describing the use of the Internet as a means of fostering teaching and learning, especially the use of Email, Conferencing and Social Networking.
LMS: Learning Management Systems are sophisticated web-based applications that are being engineered today in increasing numbers by numerous institutions and companies that want to get involved in e-learning either for providing services to third parties, or for educating and training their own people.
LCMS: Leaning content management system. It is a software application for the administration, documentation, tracking, reporting and delivery of online education courses or training programs.

Aplicaciones hipermediales

una aplicación hipermedial se precia de tal cuando:

La estructura de la información se basa en los principios de NODO y ENLACE.
NODO: it is where you are.
ENLACE: it is where you are going.
Ejemplo: una presentación como la que está viendo en un hipermedio: cada lámina es un nodo y se accede a ellos a través de enlaces.

Las aplicaciones hipermediales son imposibles de "clasificar" en forma taxativa, porque pueden adaptarse conforme a las metas de las personas que los crean. Pero trataremos de identificar los más utilizados hasta ahora:

- Web Based Training.
- Computer Based Training. Plataformas, software educativos.
- E-learning y gestión del conocimiento.
- Libros eletrónicos.
- Entretención.
- E-business.

Computer Based Training --> Internet based training ---> Web Based Training.

tiempo real: sincrónico.

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