miércoles, 12 de septiembre de 2012

Level of ICt integration:

Sánchez, 2001: Apresto, uso, integración.

Sandholtz et al, 1997. Entrance, adoption, adaptation, appropiation, invention.

Principios de la reforma: "Tres E"

Eficacia: objetivos y contenidos.
Eficiencia: acción pedagógica.
Efectividad: repercusión acciones.


Search for the following words:

CBT: Computer based training. A term used mainly in the business world. Implies a top-down, trainer-centred approach to teaching with computers and is closely associated with Programmed Learning.
IBT: Internet based training.
WBT: Web-based trainer. It is a generic term for training and/or instruction delivered over the Internet or an intranet using a Web browser. 
CMS: Computer Mediated Communication. It is used as a term describing the use of the Internet as a means of fostering teaching and learning, especially the use of Email, Conferencing and Social Networking.
LMS: Learning Management Systems are sophisticated web-based applications that are being engineered today in increasing numbers by numerous institutions and companies that want to get involved in e-learning either for providing services to third parties, or for educating and training their own people.
LCMS: Leaning content management system. It is a software application for the administration, documentation, tracking, reporting and delivery of online education courses or training programs.

Aplicaciones hipermediales

una aplicación hipermedial se precia de tal cuando:

La estructura de la información se basa en los principios de NODO y ENLACE.
NODO: it is where you are.
ENLACE: it is where you are going.
Ejemplo: una presentación como la que está viendo en un hipermedio: cada lámina es un nodo y se accede a ellos a través de enlaces.

Las aplicaciones hipermediales son imposibles de "clasificar" en forma taxativa, porque pueden adaptarse conforme a las metas de las personas que los crean. Pero trataremos de identificar los más utilizados hasta ahora:

- Web Based Training.
- Computer Based Training. Plataformas, software educativos.
- E-learning y gestión del conocimiento.
- Libros eletrónicos.
- Entretención.
- E-business.

Computer Based Training --> Internet based training ---> Web Based Training.

tiempo real: sincrónico.

Call: computer-assited language learning is an approach to language teaching and learning in which computer technology is used as an aid to the presentation, reinforcement and assessment of material to be learned, usually including a substancial interactive element.

Authoring tools: hot potatoes, quandary, online quiz generator, author ware flash, flash.

Why use CALL? motivating, authentic, interactive, personalized.

Hot potatoes: a fun tool for adding interactive exercises to your website.  application to create programs
The Hot Potatoes collection consists of six interactive applications: crosswords, gap-filling exercises, jumbled-sentences, matching and ordering activities, multiple-choice and short-answer exercises. Teachers can use these individually or combine them to create online tests. All Hot Potatoes software is free.